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Extra Services

      Pick-Up and Delivery


Car Bright Auto Detailing offers many amazing services. We know you work hard for your money so we wanted to make the experience of having to get your car detailed simple by offering you a Pick-Up and Delivery Service.


Call Now to Schedule 412-408-3335

Tip: Pick-up and Delivery saves time so your making money at work without the worry of having to find a ride to and from the detail techs shop.


Besides when you treat yourself to something why not go all in and feel the entire service. Feel like a celebrity CALL NOW 412-408-3335

      Custom Auto Detail


Owners of CUSTOM HOT RODs, Cars, Trucks and Choppers can trust the experenced techs at Car Bright Detail. Our experienced technicians will hand clean, polish and shine your weekend warrior or everyday Exotic Cars.


Holding onto the VALUE of your CUSTOM Car, Truck or Chopper can add thousands of dollars to its value by having professional detail techs cleaning and polishing twice per year with washes inbetween monthly.


Tip: NOT staying true to the cleaning of your Exotic Car, Custom Hot Rod or Chopper will lose you thousands in resale value. Keep it clean with Car Bright Custom Detail Services. CALL NOW 412-408-3335

      Germ Free Rides


Keeping the interior of your automobile cleaned is very important to your health and the health andsafety of your children and grandchildren. Spores, molds ad fungus build over the years without the proper shampooing and cleaning of your cars interior. Save hundreds even thousands in doctor bills by keeping the interior of your automobile cleaned by the pros. Your families health depends upon it!


Tip: Every year people get sick or have allergies. Most would never believe it is because their automobile is holding spores, mold and fungus. Clean it up and stay healthy. Do it for the kids and pets if not for yourself. CALL NOW 412-408-3335


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